Family Centre is a non profit registered charity and therefore fundraises to enhance programs, toys and learning tools to help support families in southern Alberta. Donor recognition program.
If you are interested in knowing details about how you can support families through donating to Family Centre, please contact Melanie Secretan at 403-320-4232 or
- You can donate online securely through
CanadaHelps is a safe and secure way you can donate to Family Centre. It can be a cash donation or now, CanadaHelps also accepts gifts of securities online. Just click on the link above and when it asks for the Charity’s name, just type in Family Centre.
- You can donate through the United Way. Not everyone is aware that you can support the Family Centre through the United Way by directing all or a portion of your donation to us. If you choose to donate to Family Centre through the United Way, all you need to do on your pledge card, in the space provided, is put down the name of Family Centre and our registered charity number 11915 7394 RR0001.
Information about Capital Gains:
It’s easy – both for donors and for charities. Once a donor has completed the online process and the shares have been sold, the donor receives their tax receipt and Family Centre receives the funds. It’s just that simple. To find out more about how it works, visit
Family Centre is a registered non-profit organization and gratefully accepts donations. Registered charity number 11915 7394 RR0001.
Program Fees and Donations can now be given through: