Interfaith Food Bank


Interfaith Food Bank is committed to recognizing the human dignity of those in need and providing food and access to services and resources generated from within our community.

Interfaith Food Bank caters to those in a variety of situations, ranging from single-parenthood, to seniors on fixed incomes, to the under or unemployed, or to those with other social or economic barriers.  Interfaith Food Bank has been providing emergency food services to citizens of Lethbridge and area since 1989.  Since then, they have grown exponentially as the community recognizes, assesses and attempts to satisfy the needs of those in crisis.

Their Services:

Interfaith Food Bank acts as a bridge between a community of donors and those who are in need through:

  • Distribution of monthly food hampers, daily food supplements, and clothing vouchers
  • Referrals to other community and/or government agencies to connect individuals and families with resources available within our community
  • Offering The Interfaith Chinook Country Kitchen – through a partnership with Family Centre, we facilitate cooking classes that teach healthy eating on limited budgets.
  • Offering Interfaith Learning Garden as a source for fresh, healthy food for cooking classes, and providing a learning opportunity for community members.

Contact Interfaith Food Bank:

Administration & Donations
Open 8am-4pm, Monday-Friday
Ph: 403-320-8779
Fax: 403-328-0521