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Let’s Talk Parenting – School’s Back in Session

“It’s the most wonderful time of year – back to school”! Having a plan is the only way to survive the transition back to school! Routines and plans help everyone know what to expect.  When people, including children, don’t know what to expect anxiety and stress increase.  Here are a few tips to help you create a plan and lower the stress in your home!

  1. Develop a sleep routine. Set a consistent bedtime for your child and stick with it! Did you know preschoolers need at least 10-13 hours of sleep a day; elementary school aged children need 9-12 hours; and teens need 8-10 hours. Healthy sleep leads to better immunity, school performance, behavior, memory and mental health.
  2. Create a morning and night schedule. Creating a simple check list for children to figure out what needs to be done before heading to school and what can be done before bed helps everyone.  Morning routines can include brushing hair and teeth, making bed, and eating breakfast. Night routines can include packing lunch, checking backpack, and having a bath or shower.
  3. Create family calendar. It can be a wall calendar, fridge calendar, a day planner – anything that will help you record your family’s schedules.
  4. Create a home work station. Try the corner of the kitchen island or table. Maybe it’s a desk in a bedroom or office. It’s a space where children can go to do homework and can have a supply of pens, pencils, paper at hand. Try it for a few weeks to see if the space works for you and your children.
  5. Finally, celebrate the start of the new school year. Here are a few suggestions. Try a back to school party; take the family out for a special treat; create a healthy “back to school” breakfast; purchase special fiction books to mark the occasion; create sidewalk messages; and finally don’t forget to take a photo!

    Source: various articles