Ways To Give

Monthly Giving – Signature Program
The Signature Program is Family Centre’s monthly donation program for anyone who wishes to make a continuing impact in their community. As an alternative to a one-time gift, donors choose to give a pre-determined amount of money on a regular basis. The program is offered through Canada Helps, a non-profit organization dedicated to connecting donors with the charities they care about. Click HERE to create an online donor profile and manage your contributions as you see fit!
Monthly donations help Family Centre to reduce fundraising costs and creates a reliable revenue stream so we can better plan for the future.

Annual Giving
Whether you prefer to support a particular Family Centre event or fundraiser, or wish to give a year-end donation, you can feel confident knowing your contribution supports our programs & services, which includes things like materials, supplies, curriculum development, and facilitation costs.
You can choose to give to our General Fund and have your contribution go wherever it is needed most, or you can specify a program or service you feel passionate about supporting at the time of your donation.
All monetary donations are eligible for a tax receipt.

Planned Giving – Legacy Program
Legacy or planned giving through Family Centre’s Legacy Program is made possible in partnership with The Community Foundation of Lethbridge and Southwestern Alberta. The Foundation is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency and works with endowments, which are permanent, income-earning funds. The initial gift is invested in perpetuity while the income from the endowment is distributed back into the community as grants. Gifts to the Community Foundation become part of its professionally managed investment portfolio, and are eligible for a tax receipt.
While this approach to giving can include the transfer of assets from public securities, insurance policies or personal estates, it can also be as simple as a cheque or cash donation made anytime the donor is ready and able to make an investment.

Peer to Peer Fundraising
Peer-to-peer fundraising, also called social or team fundraising, is a fundraising technique in which individual supporters fundraise on behalf of a larger cause or organization. These volunteer fundraisers promote the campaign to their own networks of friends and family online.
If your team, office, or group would like to host a fundraiser in support of Family Centre programs & services, we invite you to contact our Advancement Manager, Melanie Secretan at 403-320-4232 ext 207 or melanie.secretan@famcentre.ca.

Gifts in Kind
Gifts in kind, also referred to as in-kind donations, are a kind of charitable giving in which, instead of giving money to buy needed goods and services, the goods and services themselves are given.
Family Centre utilizes gifts in kind throughout the year for various events, including our Wine & Cheese Fundraiser. We graciously accept a variety of new and gently used items, depending on the item and our need at the time. Please refer to our ‘Wishlist’ below for items we are currently seeking.
Please contact our Advancement Manager, Melanie Secretan for more information at 403-320-4232 ext 207 or melanie.secretan@famcentre.ca.
- Boxes of crackers, cookies, cheerios, "mum mum" baby snack etc.
- Muffins
- Fresh fruit - apples, oranges
- Fresh veggies - cucumber, mini carrots
- Cheese, yogurt tubes
- Fruit leather, raisins